Presidential Student Leadership Academy


Through a series of activities, 您将参与个人和专业领导力发展,帮助您为未来的高等教育和职业生涯做好准备.

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Welcome to the Presidential Student Leadership Academy webp年龄. I am very pleased that you are here, very proud of this program, and hope that you will seriously consider applying for this unique opportunity to experience and learn about leadership in this ever-changing and demanding world. 在过去的几年里,你们可能听我说过:“领导力很重要!” Whether you are a member of a student-led club or honor society, 运动队, 一间教室, a volunteer organization, 或者大学社区, 领导力决定了推动团队使命和成就的品质和价值观. When you graduate from Delaware Tech, leadership will determine the quality and values of your work experience, the quality of life that you live, and the type of world we leave for the future. The goal of this program is to help you prepare for those opportunities.

马克T. 布雷纳德,总统.

Through a series of activities over the next few months – readings, 讨论组, 写反思, 华盛顿之旅, D.C., and capstone meeting – we will explore themes such as self-awareness, 同理心, 仆人领导, 同情, 批判性思维和历史在我们今天的决策中的作用. To lead these activities and provide participants with a meaningful, high quality leadership experience, 在接下来的几周内,我将与学院的高级行政团队成员一起亲自召集并推动会议.

毫无疑问,领导力包括在职业生涯中拥有才能和专业知识, but there is so much more. And we are going to tap into some of the “more” during our weeks together. If you are selected to participate, 我相信,PSLA将以令人难忘的方式吸引你们,以增加你们对这一非常重要主题的了解, while also expanding your view of national history and cultural awareness, all to influence your growth as a future leader.

Who is eligible to apply?

The following are required of all applicants:

  1. Be in good academic standing (2.5+ GPA preferred) and have completed 12+ credits at Delaware Tech
  2. 除非在之前的夏季或秋季学期毕业,否则必须在2025年春季班注册
  3. Complete an application to the Presidential Student Leadership Academy, applications set to open mid-October
  4. Participate in an interview with the selection committee
  5. Commit to participation in all activities associated with the Academy

Applications Open Mid-October 2024
Click the button below to be added to an interest list


  • 有机会与特拉华理工学院的管理人员和其他学生领袖建立关系
  • 华盛顿之旅.C. to tour museums and explore the National Mall
  • Participation in leadership group meetings, 书反射, selected article discussions, and guest speakers during the semester

时间轴 and Activities

活动 时间轴
Application Period Open Mid-October through December 2024
Students Notified of Eligibility/Next Steps 2025年1月
访谈 2025年1月
Students Notified of Acceptance 2025年1月/ 2月
接书 2025年2月
Kick-Off Meeting/Book Reflection I 2025年春季学期. In-person campus locations and dates TBD
书籍反思II 2025年春季学期. In-person campus locations and dates TBD
书籍反思三 2025年春季学期. In-person campus locations and dates TBD
华盛顿特区.C. 2025年春季学期. In-person campus locations and dates TBD
顶石午宴 & 奖 2025年5月23日. Location: 多佛, Del-One Conference Center

* 2025 Academy dates forthcoming; Dates and locations are subject to change


Leadership Group Meetings and Book Reflections

PSLA accepted members are required to read The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne and attend leadership meetings and 书反射. 这部小说讲述了二战期间中欧两个男孩之间不可思议的友谊. 读者们探索了几个现实生活中的教训和主题,重点是友谊, 人类, 同情, 偏见, 和顺从.

华盛顿D.C. 旅行的概述

Students will visit 华盛顿D.C. for a series of activities and visits to national landmarks. More details will be provided in Spring.

Hear What Previous PSLA Participants Have to Say...

Frequently Asked 问题


由特拉华理工大学管理人员组成的委员会将审查申请,并选择符合条件的学生参加小组面试. 根据对申请的审查,委员会将选择最多25名学生. 委员会将根据参与者的潜力和发展成为特拉华理工大学及其社区领导者的愿望来选择参与者. 学生将通过他们的特拉华理工大学电子邮件帐户收到录取通知.

The cost of the program is free for students participating in the program. The College will cover the materials and travel expenses.

In order to participate in the PSLA, students must:

  1. Be in good academic standing (2.5+ GPA preferred) and have completed 12+ credits at Delaware Tech
  2. 除非在之前的夏季或秋季学期毕业,否则必须在2025年春季班注册
  3. Complete an application to the Presidential Student Leadership Academy
  4. Participate in an interview with the selection committee
  5. Commit to participation in all activities associated with the Academy

是的, students who graduated during the current academic year (summer, 秋天, and spring semesters) are eligible to participate.

The PSLA includes leadership group meetings, 书反射, 和活动, including 华盛顿之旅, D.C. and a capstone meeting. 参与者应该计划每周花大约3-5个小时来完成指定的阅读、领导小组会议和书籍反思. Participants must also be available to attend both activities. 所有会议和活动的详细信息都在PSLA网站上.

是的, PSLA参与者必须参加所有课程(见时间表)才有资格完成课程. An excused absence for extenuating circumstances must have prior written approval by the PSLA facilitator; the request must be made in writing to

Before committing to the program, 参与者应确认是否有时间参加所有强制性会议和活动.

The trip to 华盛顿特区.C. will cover concepts such as diversity, 多元文化主义, 社会正义将通过参与博物馆和历史参观来探索. Travel costs and meals are covered by the program. If you are interested in purchasing gift store items or other items, please bring additional spending money. Dress is business casual.

